
Our Core Values

Diving Experience Standards

Diving is an incredibly rewarding experience that allows you to explore the beautiful and hidden depths of the ocean. However, in order to fully enjoy this amazing activity, it is essential to have the right skills and knowledge. One key area that might be currently lacking in diving instruction is the standard of the diving experience itself. Many divers today simply follow their guide without receiving any additional instruction or guidance on how to improve their technique and skill level, and no personal connection to the area.

Diving is an incredibly rewarding experience that allows you to explore the beautiful and hidden depths of the ocean.

To address this issue, we propose a new initiative aimed at raising the standard of diving for all divers. This would involve carefully training them on all aspects of underwater exploration, from basic safety measures to advanced navigation and communication techniques. With regular practice and support from experts, we believe that beginners will quickly gain the skills necessary for exploring the ocean safely and with confidence.

Connection To The Natural World

Walking down a familiar street, you might nod to the corner hotdog stand or wave to the friendly barber in his shop. Over time, these landmarks become part of your personal landscape and you develop a sense of connection to them. But for many people, this feeling of connection is lacking when it comes to the natural world. When they come to dive on our island, we aim to change that.

Our guides and instructors work hard to help clients see the reef and marine life not as an anonymous mass but as individuals with their own personalities and quirks. In this way, we hope to foster a sense of appreciation and respect for the underwater world and all its inhabitants.

Capturing The Human Factor

Cozumel is one of the most popular dive locations in the world, and for good reason – the clear turquoise waters offer visibility of over 100 feet, and the reefs are teeming with colorful fish and coral. Our Cozumel-based studio branch offers both dive trips and courses for photographers of all levels. We expanded into a studio branch exists because we feel like it’s important to capture the human factor in the water.

To foster and spread this idea, we offer courses for “regular” photographers to break into the underwater world as well as education opportunities for photographers to expand their knowledge. Cozumel is a premier destination for diving and scuba diving and our dive trips provide photographers of all levels opportunities to capture once in a lifetime photos.

Whether you’re a complete novice or an experienced underwater photographer, or a business operation looking to tap into the unique visual world that the Caribbean can offer, we can help you get the shots you’re looking for. Cozumel is waiting for you!